Russian river cruise

Russian river cruise

For many years it had been an ambition of mine to visit Russia, particularly St. Petersburg. In February 2010 when I had Guillain-Barre syndrome, and was completely paralysed, it looked as if it was something I would never achieve. However, I was able to make a good...
Team Tony

Team Tony

In April 2014, Tony Curry was struck down by a severe form of the condition, Miller Fisher. Whilst on holiday in Wales he became ill, was rushed to hospital and within 24 hours, was in intensive care. Tony was totally paralysed, he remained in a coma for a month and...
Ken’s Journey

Ken’s Journey

We had only recently returned from a winter break in Tenerife and were looking forward to Christmas with the family. However, the events that unfolded on Saturday 22nd December 2012 were to change the life we once knew. Ken had been out with friends the previous...