Team Tony

In April 2014, Tony Curry was struck down by a severe form of the condition, Miller Fisher. Whilst on holiday in Wales he became ill, was rushed to hospital and within 24 hours, was in intensive care. Tony was totally paralysed, he remained in a coma for a month and was ventilated for nine months. He has since moved to a rehabilitation centre and is having continuous physiotherapy to regain strength and movement, and with the help and support of his family and friends, is working towards being able to get back on his feet and walk again!

Team Tony is raising money for Tony to support Forest Hall Football Club and GAIN (to be divided equally). For the past sixteen years, he has been and still is involved in Forest Hall FC and is currently chairman. Money raised will be used to support and run the club and to help keep all children, teenagers and adults involved in the community and by creating a better place, the football club can help them to develop and grow. Tony and his family also wish to raise funds for GAIN to help support other people and their families who are affected by this devastating illness, to raise awareness of the condition and help to fund research.

Following a charity match in March held by Terry Denwood, a fundraiser at their social club with The Gatecrashers Band in September and various other fundraising activities and events, including the Great North Run, over £4000 has already been raised and the figure is still rising.

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