Back on the ice

Back on the ice

Ice hockey fan favourite back on the ice Ice hockey is a sport perhaps most would associate with North America and Canada but this fast paced, physical sport is also played throughout the UK. Canadian Mike Egener is a defenceman for Coventry Blaze who play in the UK...
Jacob Willis – My GBS story

Jacob Willis – My GBS story

Two years on from the worst period in my life, these dark days when I was wondering what was the point of living whilst locked in an immobile body, I will be running in Surrey half marathon on March 9th to raise funds for GAIN. As I’ve been press-ganged to write up my...
Tony Wyatt- My experiences of GBS

Tony Wyatt- My experiences of GBS

On awaking on 31st October 2012, getting out of bed I said to my wife, “there is something wrong with my fingers.” They felt heavy. Pam (my wife) called 111, an ambulance car with paramedics, who examined me but could find nothing wrong, so they left. I had a job to...
A Journey through the eyes of a carer

A Journey through the eyes of a carer

My name is Jacqui and I have been asked to share my experience of supporting my best friend through the journey from diagnosis to recovery from Guillain-Barre syndrome. Before you begin to read this account, two things need to be made crystal clear. Firstly, I am ‘as...
Roller Derby

Roller Derby

How a fast-paced contact sport helped a mother of two find her feet and regain her confidence I’ve always been an active person. My entire life was based around dance or sport. Swimming was a huge part of my life also. I was a lifeguard and gym instructor for 7 years....