Your Stories

And The Band Played On

And The Band Played On

Aged 61 and following a life of being in rock bands, a solo performer, success in local and regional politics, running a business and a happy second marriage, this is a fascinating insight into the madness, mayhem, joy and wonder of my musical career which almost...

The Nerve Disorder

The Nerve Disorder

Jodie Granger is an artist. In 2017 she was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The syndrome is rare, affecting only one person in 100,000 but it can affect anybody....

Fundraising Reports

Fundraising Reports

24th April 2016 Virgin Money London Marathon Oliver Deane completed the marathon in 4:05 raising money for both GAIN and Alzheimer’s Research UK. Ever Loukaides In August 2013 I was struck down by GBS which completely paralysed me. I was in hospital for six months and...

In memory of Alan Ross 1944-2017

Alan Ross, formerly of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome Support Group, died suddenly on 3 December 2017, aged 73, while on holiday in Cyprus with his wife Kay. Alan was diagnosed with GBS in 2002 and was treated in the Western General Infirmary in Edinburgh. After recovery...

Zoe Ogden Manchester 10K

Zoe Ogden Manchester 10K

Amy Pierce tells us why her friend Zoe Ogden decided to run the Manchester 10K for GAIN. “John, my Dad was struck down with Guillain-Barre syndrome in November 2010. He was 65, living life to the full looking forward to retirement with his wife, my Mum. But after...

When life went limp

When life went limp

Adam Pownall explains life with GBS. Positivity: being able to stay positive even when you have a real good reason to be negative. Prior to March 2009 I was always the type to describe myself as a positive person, I liked to think that I strolled through life oozing...

Thames Challenge Path

Thames Challenge Path

On March 6th 2015 our mother, Yvonne Smith was admitted to hospital with a very rare condition called Guillain- Barre syndrome. Within a few days it had moved to her lungs, she was unable to breathe on her own and was moved to ICU (intensive care) where she was...

Sailors Three in fundraising marathon

Sailors Three in fundraising marathon

When Royal Navy Petty Officer Kevin Perrett casually announced his intention to run the South Downs Half Marathon he wasn’t expecting to generate much interest from his two colleagues, AB Tony Gaskins and AB Pardraic Graham. Kevin, an experienced runner, is in charge...