Bangkok to Nepal by Andy Hepworth

Bangkok to Nepal by Andy Hepworth

As I wander around Katmandu and all it’s madness before I start a trek to the Mansulu Region of the Himalayas, it’s hard to recall the day back in 2010 when GBS took my life away for a year.  I was living and teaching in Bromsgrove International School in Bangkok with...
Just Very Unlucky

Just Very Unlucky

Today, having returned from a brilliant week in Spain with my husband, daughter and two beautiful granddaughters I scurried about opening mail, ringing friends, washing, shopping visiting my neighbour and finally driving to ‘The Crown Hotel, where I am a member of the...
It must be man flu!

It must be man flu!

In January 2013 I felt a bit stiff, the result of the man-flu I was very obviously dying from. My ‘stiffness’ was down to Guillain-Barré syndrome although we didn’t know that at the time, and neither (it transpired) did the doctors on my first visit to hospital, as...


Four years ago, on 1 September 2011, I was admitted into the intensive care unit at a hospital in Florida, unable to walk or feel my legs, arms and face, I had no clue what was wrong with me and was totally terrified. At first the doctors thought I’d had a stroke but...
Hayley’s long road to recovery

Hayley’s long road to recovery

On the 26th April 2010 my life as I knew it changed forever. My whole life evolved around sport and I was heading to Africa to coach football and so I had to have the yellow fever vaccination. The next day I woke with breathing difficulties and weakness and as the day...