Your Stories

Getting Better Slowly

Getting Better Slowly

Guillain-Barre Syndrome takes centre stage It is seven years since Adam Pownall was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, then being 26 years old; he was a healthy, fit and active young man. Forging himself a career in the arts he was working hard as a performer,...

Year long series of fundraising events

Year long series of fundraising events

My name is Karrie and I’m a 22 year old Mental Health Nursing student and in November 2013 I started to develop symptoms of GBS. I was admitted to hospital and became paralysed from the chest downwards. I had to have an NG tube fitted and also a pacemaker to control...

The Secret Diary of Margaret Pearse Aged 82 1/2

The Secret Diary of Margaret Pearse Aged 82 1/2

In October 2009 at the age of 82, I was on holiday in Sussex with my son, Clive, and daughter, Lulu, when I experienced very strong tingling in both hands, and the next morning when I got out of bed my left leg was completely numb and useless. I was taken by ambulance...

Tesni Foster and Joe Sims – 3 Peaks Challenge

Tesni Foster and Joe Sims – 3 Peaks Challenge

Joe Sims and his sister, Tesni Foster successfully took on The 3 Peaks Challenge in October to raise money for GAIN. This entailed starting early in the morning and climbing Ben Nevis in Scotland, then driving to the Lake District and climbing Scafell Pike (at night...

Susanna Smith – Our Story

Our story began in December when I’d finished a night shift as a nurse at the Christie Hospital in Manchester. I was relaxing looking at Facebook and it suggested I should be friends with a guy called Jezz Smith because we had some mutual friends. His picture was him...

Teresa Gatesman – Understanding of certain CIDP symptoms

I have just finished reading Oliver Sacks’ book Hallucinations and have finally got an answer to my questions about a number of symptoms that have been plaguing me since 1997 and which at times, when I have spoken about them to my doctors, have led to exceedingly...

Steve Milne Fundraising

Steve Milne Fundraising

I haven’t always been a runner. In fact, a little over a year ago I had never run anywhere in my life and would have sworn that I never would. However, after losing my Dad, Jon in 2009, my outlook on life and health did slowly begin to change. Having said that I still...

Simon Connellan – Prudential RideLondon

This article is taken from Prudential Ride London’s website, as GBS survivor Simon Connellan discusses his recovery from the syndrome and raising money for GAIN:...

Sally Haycock Ironman Staffordshire 70.3

Sally Haycock Ironman Staffordshire 70.3

Having been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome in 2013, resulting in paralysis and hospitalisation for 3 months, I was fortunate enough to overcome this debilitating illness. On discharge from hospital I spent the next 3 months in a wheelchair and then over the...