What are the Symptoms of CIDP

What are the Symptoms of CIDP

Last time we gave you an overall idea of what Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) is. Over the next few weeks we will dig a bit deeper, looking at diagnosis, treatment, and living with CIDP. But this week, let’s look at the symptoms of CIDP.  CIDP...
Kathleen’s Story

Kathleen’s Story

I started to suffer with a cold on January 23, which went into a kidney infection then into suspected allergic reaction to my antibiotics. By the 16th of February I was weak, pins and needles in my hands and feet and no taste in my mouth. I was admitted to the RAH...
Pete’s Story

Pete’s Story

We were recently contacted by Pete MacKenzie, who was kind enough to share his story with AMSAN I was diagnosed with Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) last May. The 16th to be precise. Since then my life has been split in two… BGB and AGB. Before Guillain Barré and...