What are the Symptoms of CIDP

Last time we gave you an overall idea of what Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) is. Over the next few weeks we will dig a bit deeper, looking at diagnosis, treatment, and living with CIDP. But this week, let’s look at the symptoms of CIDP. 

CIDP Symptoms 

Most people report the symptoms of CIDP as: 

  • Numbness, and pins and needles 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Fatigue 
  • Loss of reflexes 

These symptoms usually start slowly in the feet and legs, before moving to other parts of the body. What different people experience can vary loads, and many people can think that the symptoms are vague and confusing. This is especially true when a symptom is difficult to explain to someone else, like fatigue and changes to your senses. 

For some people, symptoms may stay fairly mild and as a result they don’t really impact on people’s lives, apart from being a mild annoyance. But, for others, symptoms may get steadily worse over time. This may take weeks, months or even years.  

How CIDP is different to GBS 

As we explained in a previous blog, Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) can have similar symptoms, but it tends to come on much quicker. This can cause some issues around diagnosis, but we will talk more about that in the next blog. 

What to do if you think you have CIDP 

As with all changes to your health and wellbeing, the best thing to do if you are experiencing symptoms that sound like they may be CIDP, is to go and talk to your GP or doctor. It is always best to get a professional opinion and to discuss symptoms in more detail. Your GP may not know much about CIDP, but a good doctor will do the research and make a referral to a neurologist if they think that your symptoms could be CIDP 

Ongoing CIDP Support? 

GAIN is here to support anyone impacted by CIDP. If you want some support, want to discuss your concerns, or want some advice then please get in touch. GAIN are to provide support, raise awareness, and facilitate research in order to benefit the Inflammatory Neuropathies Community, including people impacted by CIDP. Every month we hold an Online Get Together for people impacted by CIDP. You can find out more at gaincharity.org.uk/get-together. To contact GAIN call 01529 469910 or email office@gaincharity.org.uk 


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