Our Impact

People impacted by GBS, CIDP, and other inflammatory neuropathies are at the
very centre of what we do here at GAIN. People are why we are here, and why we strive
to do the best that we can possibly do.
People are also amazingly generous to us, donating money and their time, fundrasing and undertaking challenges, and leaving money to us in their wills. As a result, understanding what we do, and the impact that we make is vital to our work. We want to show that we do a good job, but we also want to prove that we use our funds well, and meet the expectations of our members, donors and fundraisers, the public, and our board and staff team. We need to show people that they can trust us.
In order to do this we look to measure the impact of what we do on people’s lives, and around the conditions that we support. We want to show that what we do helps people, that we improve lives and make things better, that we raise awareness effectively, and that we reduce the impact of GBS, CIDP, and other conditions.
We use information from a range of sources to look at what we do. At the moment, the information that we have captured isn’t as good as we want. As a result we can look at outputs (what we do and how much we do), but we can’t really measure our outcomes (the ‘so what’). In other words we can count what we do, but we can’t really tell if it has worked or not. An example of this is we can say we supported 24 people to receive peer support, but we don’t really know if it made a difference or not. We will be working hard to change how we capture information, what we measure, and how we report it in the future.
With the information we have, we have created our first Impact Report. We will be building on this as we improve our impact measurement and next year’s report will be bigger, better and more detailed.
In the meantime, please have a look at the report below, and let us know what you think by emailing office@gaincharity.org.uk with your thoughts.
Click on this link to read the report – Impact Report 2324