Medical Advisory Board

The Medical Advisory Board provides advice and support to the Charity on all medical matters. It is composed of specialists in GBS, CIDP and associated inflammatory neuropathies and meets every 12 months, although it will discuss matters by correspondence or video conference when necessary. It undertakes the following tasks:

1.     Providing the Board of Trustees with an annual review of priorities for research projects to study ideas and provide a focus for fundraising
2.     Advice to Board of Trustees on Research projects, ensuring peer reviews undertaken and recommendations made to the Trustees
3.     Provision of up-to date medical information for patients, families and health professionals through a rolling programme for the update of the information booklets.
4.     Responding to media enquiries on medical aspects of GBS, CIDP and associated inflammatory neuropathies.
5.     Answering generic enquiries relating to GBS, CIDP or other associated inflammatory neuropathies from GAIN friends or members.  
Medical Advisory Board

Dr Jane Pritchard (Chair) – Consultant Neurologist, Charing Cross Hospital, London 

Dr Shakti Agrawal – Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, Birmingham Children’s Hospital 

Dr Amy Davidson – Consultant Neurologist, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow 

Dr Rob Hadden – Consultant neurologist, Kings College Hospital, London 

Dr Tim Lavin – Consultant Neurologist, Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences 

Prof Michael Lunn – Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London 

Cathy Prescott – Neuromuscular Specialist Nurse, The Walton Centre, Liverpool 

Prof Simon Rinaldi – Consultant Neurologist, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford 

Dr Ana Talbot – Lay Member/Physician 

Dr Claire White – Physiotherapist, School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Kings College, London 

Rich Collins – Chief Executive, GAIN