Raising awareness of Guillain-Barré syndrome

One-off and regular donations
We rely almost entirely on donations from our supporters to continue our vital work. Whether you are making a one off donation or considering regular donations to GAIN, you can be assured that your money will be gratefully received and used wisely.
Paying in your fundraising money
Once you have finished your fundraising, you can either get your money to us by sending us a cheque (please do not send cash through the post) or by making a direct transfer to our bank account. Whichever way you choose, thank you – every donation makes a huge difference and please pass on our thanks to everyone who took part!
Paying in by post
Please make cheques payable to: GAIN (or Guillain-Barré & Associated Inflammatory Neuropathies if you want to write our name out in full)
and send to: GAIN Glennys Sanders House Pride Parkway Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8GL
Making an electronic bank transfer
CAF Bank Sort code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00024633 Account name: GAIN
JustGiving, etc
If you have created your own fundraising page through JustGiving or another online fundraising platform and linked it to GAIN, donations are automatically forwarded to us.
Make your donations go further
The Government operates a scheme called Gift Aid that allows charities to claim 25p on every pound donated. So if you donated £100 to GAIN, it means that you’ll actually be giving us £125 at no extra cost to you.