Get Your Business Involved

Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving (also known as Give As You Earn) is one of the quickest, easiest and most flexible ways of giving to Gain.

The scheme enables employees to make a donation straight from their gross salary tax-free. This means if an employee who pays standard rate tax donates £1 each month, the cost to them is only 78p on the basic tax rate or 60p on the higher tax rate. Payroll or HR departments will be able to provide details if they are running this scheme.

There are many benefits:

Not only is Payroll Giving a clear benefit for employees, there are many benefits to be found as an employer too.

  • A Payroll Giving scheme is very easy to set up.
  • Will fit in with your Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
  • Can help to increase staff motivation and morale.
  • Can boost your image as an employer.

Matched giving

Many companies will help charities through a matched giving scheme. Some will match pound for pound, and others will even double match donations made to registered charities by its employees. If you are making a gift to gain, please check with your Payroll or HR department whether your company operates a scheme like this as it could make your donation worth even more to us.

Gifts in Kind

If your company would like to support the work of gain, but is unable to contribute financially, there are plenty of other ways to help.

We are always looking for raffle prizes for our own events, so if you feel your company could contribute in this way, we would be happy to hear from you.

We are also keen to extend our volunteering services and there may be ways in which your company can help us with this.

Find out more

To donate a prize for a raffle or auction or find out more please contact the fundraising team
Email:  or phone 01529 469912

Collection Boxes

Static collecting boxes are amongst the most effective and efficient forms of fundraising and also raise awareness (we can now claim Gift Aid on the contents of all collection boxes up to £5000).

Did you know that, as a country, we have £345 million in loose change in our homes, down the back of our sofas and in our cars?

Can your business find a home for one of our collecting boxes?  If so, please complete or download one of our Collection Box request forms