We’re hosting a free mini GAIN Get Together in a couple of weeks in Birmingham with two very special guests!
You may have seen us mention attending the National Cycling Show at the NEC on the 22-23 March to support Clive Phillips and the Making The Most of Now teams amazing 3200km cycle for MMN Awareness. Well we’ve been able to secure a space at the Crowne Plaza nearby for the Saturday between 11:30 and 14:00 to meet up with our Birmingham GBS, CIDP, MMN, and associated Inflammatory Neuropathy community!
Not only that, we’re also very happy to announce the attendance of Ben Watson, Paralympic Double Gold-Medallist along with Clive himself.
Anyone and everyone are welcome to attend, this is just going to be a nice informal early afternoon catch up with some food, drink and conversation. These conditions are rare, so it’s great chance to come along and meet others living with Inflammatory Neuropathies.
Free tickets are available right here, so if you’re in the area, secure your spot quickly!
If you’d like to attend the Cycle show as well, you can get in free via the Making the Most of Now teams code – MMN.