My Neuro Survey

My Neuro Survey image showing an older lady playing with a young child

Share your experiences and help improve neuro services by filling out #MyNeuroSurvey

The 2024 My Neuro Survey is now live, and we need as many people as possible to fill it in. This year’s survey is all about sharing experiences and improving services, so share your views at

Everyone deserves access to the right care, treatment and support at the right time, no matter who you are or where you live. But too often this isn’t the case.

There are lots of ways to complete the survey, you can click on the link above, scan the QR code below, and you can even request paper copies, fill it in over the phone, or get it in different languages. What is important is that you fill it in and share your views. 

Who can take part?

Adults, children and young people (people under 18) with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of a neurological condition
People who provide support for someone with a neurological condition, including parents, guardians and carers can take part.

Why take part?
By sharing your experiences you can help us and our colleagues within the UK Neurological Alliances to build a picture of treatment, care and support for people affected by neurological conditions throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Results from the 2021/2022 survey are being used to back calls for a government led Neuro Taskforce and our ongoing #BackThe1in6 campaign, calling on government to improve workforce and services for everyone affected by neurological conditions.

Make a real difference

The survey takes around 20 minutes to complete. It’s completely anonymous and secure. Please take part and make your voice heard. The survey is carried out by a third party and they must keep personal information confidential by law. By taking part you will help improve treatment, services and care for everyone affected by neurological conditions.

Please complete the survey by 15 November 2024.

How do you take part?

There are three different versions of the survey, one for people impacted directly, one for children, and one for carers. If you are filling out survey on behalf of someone else, please complete the carers’ survey – this survey explores your experiences and the experiences of the person/people you care for.

To access the survey, go to or scan the QR code below.

To access other versions, please get in touch with our survey partners Revealing Reality on +44(0)20 77358040 (standard network rates apply), or email Through them you can:

  • Complete the survey over the phone if this suits you better

  • Request to complete the survey in a preferred language

If you want a paper copy of the survey then you can get in touch with the Neurological Alliance (England) by calling +44(0) 1923 882590 (standard network rates apply) and leaving a voicemail, or emailing

 Share your experiences

Tell everyone you know about #MyNeuroSurvey. Use the hashtag and feel free to share this page on social media. You can also share the pictures we use on our social media @gaincharity

Alternatively, if you feel able, record a short video on your phone saying why you’re taking part in #MyNeuroSurvey. Send it to us on WhatsApp at 07878 090965 or email it to us at and we’ll share it on social media.

Thank you.

Scan the code to complete the survey or go to