Online Get Togethers

Every month, we run online Get Togethers.
Our Get Togethers are friendly and accessible meetings, held over Zoom, where people can come together to have a chat, talk about their condition, have a moan, seek support, or ask questions.
The meetings are always attended and facilitated by someone from GAIN.
Meetings are easy to join, and you can join in as little or as much as you want. You don’t need a Zoom account, just a computer or a phone with internet connection.
To join a meeting, just click on the button below for the meeting you want to join at the right time, and follow the instructions.
At present we run two meetings every month, a GBS Get Together and a CIDP Get Together. The GBS Get Together is every third Thursday of the month, and the CIDP Get Together is on the fourth Thursday of every month at 2pm. If you want to check the date of our next meeting then head to our Facebook Events Page, or give us a shout at the office via or on 01529 469910. If you’re interested in joining an in-person event, visit our Local Get Together page.
Join the GBS Get Together
Third Thursday at 2pm
Join the CIDP Get Together
Fourth Thursday at 2pm
If you think we should run additional meetings at different times of day, or on different things, then please let us know.